

Welcome to Skynote Consulting

At Skynote we are passionate about helping individuals and organisations be the very best that they can be. 

As specialists in Executive Coaching and Leadership Development our experienced team has a proven ability in helping individuals achieve courageous, obtainable and sustainable goals. Every day we enable organisations of all shapes and sizes to become increasingly dynamic, motivating places to work. 


Skynote consultants are catalysts for change and working with you we can make great things happen. Our bespoke programmes use industry accredited strategies to support, stimulate, encourage and challenge senior leaders, fast track individuals, teams and organisations to adopt new perspectives, attitudes and behaviours.

A message from Tamsin during this time of challenge and change:

In the first instance, and reacting to a crisis, leaders guide their teams and businesses on how to ‘respond’.  After a while the focus shifts to ‘recovery’ and then indeed about how to ‘thrive’ in the ‘new normal’.

Hopefully after the last few months of hard graft we have moved from the ‘respond’ stage to the ‘recovery’ and ‘thrive’ stages.  I am seeing, and am working with, resilient and bold leaders who have, and who continue to, dig deep and lead creatively. 

If you would value having someone to bounce ideas off or stand alongside you as you enter these next phases and reinvigorate you, your team or your business, I’d love to hear from you.